domingo, 22 de noviembre de 2015



Elementary level
 Learn Thanksgiving vocabulary 
Picture matching quiz
Do you like word searches? Try this one and review Thanksgiving vocabulary.
What do you know about Thanksgiving? Read this short text and answer the questions. 
Watch this video to learn more about the origin of this celebration
Check what you learned. Take this online quiz.

Intermediate level
Idioms connected with Thanksgiving
Why is Thanksgiving celebrated? Read this  text to learn about the history behind this celebration.
Click here to watch a video on the origin of this national holiday. 
Check what you learned. Take this online quiz

What is the origin of America’s annual Thanksgiving Day? Read this article and find out . Click here 
Thanksgiving dinner. What do the Americans eat for Thanksgiving? Read this text and find out (The audio is also available). Remember to take the quiz.
How did Thanksgiving become a national holiday? Watch this video and find out.
Check what you learned. Take this online quiz
10 fun facts you didn't know about Thanksgiving. 
Watch this video and learn how to cook a Thanksgiving meal

Would you like to listen to 'I Will Survive - Thanksgiving Version'? Click here

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